Tuesday, February 1, 2011

On Saturday I went to The King's Speech with Grandma, Mom, and John. It was a fabulous movie of triumph, friendship, and history. My grandma lived during the time King George VI reigned so after the movie she was talking about how none of the actors looked like the real people, it was pretty hilarious.

Saturday was also the St. Thomas Aquinas auction and benefit for spring break immersion and mission trips. My roommate is leading a trip to Kansas City, so I went to support her. It was pretty fun and the food was great. I bought a painting in the silent auction, it is a winter scene of birch trees.

Sunday was the Bethesda Chili Cook-off. Groups signed up to make chili and decorate a themed table. The congregation voted for their favorite by putting money in a basket on each table. There were also judges who picked the best flavored chili. The money raised when to the Pastor's Discretionary fund which helps people in need pay for their rent, groceries, or a bus/train ticket.

The adult choir had a duet of chilis: my white bean and chicken chili and Mark's Hawaiian chili ( it was normal chili with chunks of fresh pineapple in it) We decorated our table with Christmas themed items because our anthem for the day was called Noel We Sing. One member of the choir wrote lyrics to the tune of O Christmas Tree and called it Oh Chili Fair. The choir sang it as a postlude at the 10:45 service to get people psyched up for chili.

The choir's chilis won 3rd prize for flavor from the judges. Mark and I each got a bag of meatballs donated from Burke. The Chili Cook-Off raised over $3000 to help needy people in Ames!!

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