It really feels like summer now. It has been hot for the last few days. The Grinde family knows that full well because our air conditioner is not functioning. It broke sometime early this morning, so our home is hot and humid. No one can fix it til at least Tuesday, because tomorrow is Memorial day. Uff da.
Last week was leadership staff training at Riverside. I got to cook lots of food. It was awesome. We tried a new recipe called Strawberry Upside Down Cake. You put sliced strawberries on the bottom of a cake pan, sprinkle jello powder on top, add marshmallows, then pour cake batter on top. When the cake is baked you flip it over. It was supposed to be beautiful but it looked like cake with burned strawberry jam on top. So once the cake was cool I make strawberry whipped cream and frosted the cake with it. Everyone seemed to enjoy it, but I do not think I will make it again. This week Riverside's senior counselors and some of the leaders will be at Okoboji for more training, so they won't need me to feed them. Then there's one more week of training Riverside staff and then camp will start for real.
I am so thankful for my time at home this summer. I am really enjoying time to relax and recover from college. I know that eventually I won't really want to come back to my parent's home, but right now it is good to be in Story City surrounded by my immediate family and church family. They support and love me so much it is hard to stay away.